As teachers, we like to have everything prepared, including classes, materials, and even create a program that could include all the topics that we’re going to impart through the year.
As teachers, we like to have everything prepared, including classes, materials, and even create a program that could include all the topics that we’re going to impart through the year. Sometimes having everything planned is very helpful but it’s also counterproductive because if for any reason you cannot follow it as you planned it, then you lose the timing that you had. And trying to go back to that time would require more time.
It is recommended that you make your plan every month and make adjustments every week. That way you would have more control of your time, and if for any reason you have to move something you would be able to do so much easier.
Now, responsive teaching refers to that. You have to plan your classes based on the necessities of your students because none of us learn in the same way. So you have to be able to plan as it goes based on that.
It is recommended that, at the beginning of the course, you provide a little test to your students. That way you can measure their knowledge and you’ll have a little bit more of clarification on which levels they are at. Based on that you can start planning your classes, throughout the course goes the tests, midterms, and exams will help you to keep a record of how your students are understanding the course and what are those topics that you have to reinforce.
“The responsive teacher observes readers and writers very carefully, weaving a valuable set of understandings about each. Then, in a continuously evolving process, he tailors his precise responses to the readers’ strengths and needs.”
– Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell
Our job is not just to impart a course, it is to be able to share our knowledge with our students, doing so through a teaching style that works for us and them. That’s one of the reasons why it is important to know the different teaching styles and learning styles that exist. Once we know their strengths and weaknesses, you will know what you have to reinforce and which ones are easier for them.
Now, to decrease this kind of situation, it is recommended that you prepare some visual material too, with the point of reinforcing the lesson and also as a point of reference. Some students are very visual, so it’s not enough to just impart the class verbally. So make sure that you have always something visual to support your class. Another thing that would help you as well is homework and exercises because it would develop the self-critical thinking of your students and also will help put into practice what they learn and remember, and if they have questions you can discuss and answer all those questions.