I know that teaching your first class can be stressful and implicate a lot of nerves, and it’s completely valid that you feel that way.
I know that teaching your first class can be stressful and implicate a lot of nerves, and it’s completely valid that you feel that way. I felt the same way on the first day of classes, but with time I felt more comfortable with my teaching style and my students.
You must know that you have to be open to listening to recommendations from your students or colleagues and keep in mind that what works with one group might not work with the other, it is about listening to your students and seeing how they respond to your method.
You must define from the beginning of the classes what is allowed to do in your class and what is not, basically set expectations, in that way, no one will be implicated in any kind of misunderstanding.
Now, I know that you must be asking to yourself: How to set boundaries and expectations? Well it is simple and at the same time it is not, it will directly depend on you and what kind of environment you want in your classroom. The rules will be different depending if you’re teaching online or in a classroom.
One of the basic rules in my online class is:
These are my basic and more important rules. With my rules, I tried to teach team values, such as discipline, respect, responsibility, etc.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that you can be friendly and open, but also strict and respected. Being one thing does not mean that you will be another, and you must clarify that from the beginning. Remember what makes your favorite teacher back in school your favorite, recognize all the good parts, and try to implement them in your journey. Your students and you will see each other for a long time during the year and everyone wants to be in a good environment, where all of you can be the real version of themselves.
At the time that you provide feedback try to mention the good things about them at the beginning, in that way, you will be starting with positiveness, and at the moment that you mention what they’re doing wrong and what they can do to do it better they won’t feel threatened.
Leave your problems out of class, everything is about attitude, and if your students detect that you’re not in a great mood or if you’re over-excited they will focus on that and not on the class, I’m not saying that it’s bad that they care about you, because every teacher wants to believe that their students worry about them, but you have to be smart about what kind of reaction you want from them.
I know that we’re humans and sometimes it’s difficult to leave aside how we’re feeling and focus on the class but you have to focus on what it must be your class.
These are just a few things to take in consideration about becoming a teacher and teaching your first class. With time you will become a master of teaching matters and your journey will be extraordinary. I promise you that.