A Guide to Choosing the Right Knowledge-Sharing App for Your Needs

Do you know the most powerful tool that every business needs for success? Everyone can process and build on it by practicing their skills. When technology is involved, it helps increase productivity, collaboration, and overall workplace efficiency.

Integrate your CRM with other tools

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How to connect your integrations to your CRM platform?

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Techbit is the next-gen CRM platform designed for modern sales teams

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Why using the right CRM can make your team close more sales?

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What other features would you like to see in our product?

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Do you know the most powerful tool that every business needs for success? Everyone can process and build on it by practicing their skills. When technology is involved, it helps increase productivity, collaboration, and overall workplace efficiency.

Do you have an idea of what we’re talking about? If not, the answer is knowledge!

Yes, it’s something so simple that it can make positive changes in the running of your company. When your employees process knowledge in specific areas, you can see the benefits it provides to you and your business. This is why you need to implement knowledge-sharing throughout the workplace. 

Also, the best way to do this is by utilizing applications. In this guide, you’ll discover how to find the perfect knowledge-sharing app that’ll fit your business needs.

We provide the ideal platform for you to teach others essential skills for the workplace. Discover how Bwise knowledge-sharing platform can help you reach millions. 

Related: Educational Sharing Apps for Startups

How Does Knowledge Sharing Benefit Companies?

Knowledge sharing makes it easier for employees to access, view, and store information essential for the workplace. This allows businesses to operate and run more smoothly. Employees can work on essential duties more without wasting time on unrelated tasks. 

In addition, when knowledge-sharing happens within a business, workers can collaborate efficiently. When employees can learn from each other, this helps them develop essential teamwork skills. 

As a result, you’ll see communication levels improve, employees handle problems better, and productivity increase. To achieve goals and remain competitive, knowledge-sharing is crucial.

Knowledge Sharing Culture: How Can Your Business Create One


Creating an environment where workers feel comfortable enough to share and work together is challenging. However, a knowledge-sharing environment will help everyone become better employees. If you need help with this, follow the tips below.

Making the Workplace Positive

The workplace must be a pleasant environment to help your workers feel comfortable enough to share their knowledge. If your workers feel hostility anywhere, they will be unlikely to share their thoughts and skills with others.

Also, when a business strives to create a positive workplace workers are more productive. In return, companies can see an increase in revenue by 33%. When employees feel comfortable sharing knowledge and reap other benefits, consider making the work environment happier. 

Develop Teamwork Skills Among Workers

Employees can only share their thoughts and skills if they know how to collaborate. Therefore, it's a must that you encourage your workers to work together as often as possible. 

You can do this by having groups of people work together on projects or hold discussions on their daily tasks with each other. As a result, your employees can develop their teamwork skills and be willing to share their knowledge.

Promote Diversity and Equality

The best of something often comes from someone who is 100% different from you. This is why you must promote diversity and equality within your business. 

The person you think doesn't know anything due to their looks is likely someone with a wealth of knowledge. So, let your employees know that your company is open to diversity and isn't so quick to judge others.

Provide Learning and Development Opportunities

A recent survey shows that 49% of companies are spending more to help boost their employee's development and learning opportunities. When companies take the time to improve employee development, they start seeing results in their worker's skills. 

Companies create better workers who can delegate work tasks and start feeling more valued by the business. As a result, the workplace promotes knowledge sharing, making employees more willing to teach others.

Related: 4 Best Knowledge-Sharing Apps

Communicate Openly Within the Organization

Businesses need a platform where employees can easily ask questions, share ideas, and provide feedback. If not, employees may feel uncomfortable sharing their problems when completing their work. Having an open line of communication allows employees to know where to go when they need to share something important.

Knowledge Sharing and Technology: What’s the Connection

When sharing knowledge, it's easier for it to happen when technology is involved. People can easily access essential information wherever they are using various tools and platforms.

In addition, the right tools allow employees to organize important documents, such as policies and procedures efficiently. With knowledge-sharing apps, you make daily operations run smoothly for your employees so they can stay clear on the company's objectives. 

How Can You Find the Right Knowledge-Sharing App?


With all this information of knowledge sharing, how do you know you found the right application for your business? Below you'll discover what you need in a knowledge-sharing application to help you run daily operations better.


A knowledge-sharing app needs to make it easier for employees to work together. Within the app, employees should be able to view information quickly, talk to each other, and hold virtual workspaces. Also, these abilities should be able to be done in real-time. 


The app should allow your workers to find essential documents and information quickly. For example, the app should have a search bar for everyone to find items within seconds. 

Document Management

The app should enable users to create, edit, share, and store documents. Keeping the latest versions of essential documents up-to-date is much easier when employees have a well-developed knowledge base.

Efficient Workflow

A good knowledge-sharing app should allow you to create custom workflows that you can also update. In addition, it should allow you to manage projects more efficiently.

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Find the Perfect Knowledge-Sharing App With These Tips

Knowledge sharing is becoming more critical than ever in this fast-paced world. You may risk losing money and employees if you're not creating a work environment that fosters this. 

With the right knowledge-sharing app, you can improve your employee's productivity and skills. Use the tips above to help you find the perfect application that'll help you reap all the benefits of knowledge sharing.

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